Happy National Nurses Week!

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Today kicks off a pretty awesome event: National Nurses Week, which gives us seven days to recognize some of our country’s greatest superheroes—especially in light of the current pandemic. Every single day, our country’s nurses rise up and fight one of the most challenging and frightening viruses we’ve seen in many of our lifetimes, and they do it selflessly, courageously, and without pause. Because of this, we want to be sure to help spotlight this important week and the incredible work our nurses are putting forth day in and day out.

A Little Bit of History

If you’re unfamiliar with this national event, here’s the scoop. In 1953, an employee at the United States Department of Health, Education, and Wealthfare by the name of Dorothy Sutherland sent a proposal to President Eisenhower to proclaim a “Nurse Day” in October of 1954. She picked this time with purpose: it marked the 100th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s mission to Crimea, where Nightingale took care of soldiers during the Crimean War and pioneered the path toward modern day nursing. The week was observed from October 11-18 1954, although Congress didn’t take official action until 1974, when President Nixon designed a National Nurse Week in May to align with Nightingale’s birthday on May 12. In 1981, the American Nurses Association (ANA) rallied with a resolution set in New Mexico to establish May 6 as the “National Recognition Day for Nurses”. In 1993, the week became official when the ANA Board of Directors designed May 6 - May 12 as permanent dates to observe National Nurses Week starting in 1994 and in all subsequent years. 

A Voice to Lead

Every year, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) establishes a theme for the week. This year’s is appropriately A Voice To Lead: Nursing the World to Health, which aims to recognize the challenges the world faces in relation to good health and the contribution of nursing in addressing these. Fundamental in the provision of safe, accessible, and affordable care, nurses are vitally important in improving the wellbeing of the world—especially as the largest group of frontline health professionals caring for individuals and communities. Through this theme, the ICN hopes to share the voices of nurses globally to spread the word about the importance of this profession. By telling their powerful stories, nurses can help foster positive change—especially during the ever-challenging fight against Covid-19.

How Can You Help?

Oftentimes there are public events and seminars to honor nurses during this week, but for obvious reasons, those won’t be happening this year. Instead, do your part by letting the nurses in your own community or social circle know how much you appreciate them. Every little bit counts—give them a call, shoot them a text, send them a card, or give them a Facebook nod. Maybe even encourage them to share their stories during this challenging time. You can also help by donating to the Coronavirus Response Fund for Nurses, which is addressing current and emerging needs of nurses. You can donate here

Thanks from MeUndies

At Meundies, comfort is the name of our game. We’re endlessly grateful for the nurses who continue to put themselves at risk to make others comfortable—and give the rest of us a chance. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We look forward to celebrating each of your unique and powerful stories over the coming week, all in support of banding together to nurse our world back to health.