How to Fold Underwear: The Ultimate Guide

Imagine a world where you don’t crumple your underwear into a little ball before shoving it into a drawer and you keep it orderly so you can see every pair clearly. Sounds pretty unbelievable, right? Well, what if we told you this could be your world?

All you need are the tools and hands that are ready and willing to get foldin’.

Why You Should Learn to Fold Underwear

While chaos is a necessary and sometimes enlightening part of life, it doesn’t necessarily have a place in your underwear drawer. In fact, keeping your drawer tidy will help you keep track of your laundry and might even inspire a sense of calming. 

Plus, being able to see all your Undies neatly folded will help you better pick a pair that suits the day’s mood, instead of just blindly scrambling for a pair lurking in the depths of your drawer. 

How to Fold Underwear

Folding underwear can actually be super easy once you’ve got the hang of a few methods. We’re going to teach you how to fold men’s underwear, how to fold women’s underwear, and how to fold any underwear that exists beyond a traditional (outdated) spectrum. 

We’re going to cover all the curve-balls underwear can throw at you. Get ready to learn how to roll underwear and even how to fold boxers!

The Square Method

Let’s start with the basics. The square method is simple, effective, and gorgeous. It works best with thongs or briefs, but don’t let that stop you.

1. Place your Undies on a flat surface with the front facing up.

2. Pull up the crotch fabric to meet the top of the waistband.

3. Fold the right side into the center. Take the left side and fold that over the right side. 

4. At this point, you should have a rectangle. Fold that into a square.


The Egg Roll Method

Let’s get a little more complicated with the egg roll method. It’s a little more complicated, but perfect for packing your Undies on trips. 

1. Place your Undies horizontally, face up, with the waistband closer to you.

2. Fold the Undies three times, hot-dog style. 

3. With an inch of fabric left, stop and flip your Undies over.

4. Fold each side towards the center.

5. Fold the bottom up. 

6. Place your thumbs in the pocket made and flip inside out. 

Your Undies should now resemble an egg roll. Pretty cool, huh?

The Marie Kondo Method

We all know and love Marie Kondo, but you might not know her folding method, which is perfect for briefs.

1. Place your Undies on a flat surface with the front facing up.

2. Fold one side across the middle, creating a rectangle.

3. Fold the other side the same way.

4. Fold the bottom part up in half or thirds until it meets the top of the waistband. 

If your Undies can stand up on their own, you’ve done it correctly. Now you can stack those suckers vertically for even more space. 

How to Fold Boxers

You don’t have to fear boxers. If anything, they’re frighteningly simple to fold. Some of our fave methods can be done quicker than the amount of time it takes to finish reading this extremely long run-on sentence. 

The Big Square Method

The big square is the perfect method for boxers (and trunks) and you will be thanking your lucky stars that you know it the next time you do your laundry. 

1. Place your Undies face up with the waistband away from you.

2. Pull the left side and fold it towards the middle so that it lines up perfectly with the middle of the underwear. Fold the right side in to cover the left folded section. At the end of all this, you should have a rectangle. 

3. Tuck in any extra fabric and take the crotch side of the underwear and fold it thirds until it reaches the top of the waistband. 

Are you seeing a big square? Doesn’t it look great? You’re welcome.

The Army Roll

If you want to step it up a notch from the big square, try out the army roll. It’ll work for anything really, but we like to use it for boxers and trunks. 

1. Place your Undies face up with the waistband positioned away.

2. Flip the waistband around. Pull it down a couple inches.

3. Take the left side and fold it towards the middle to line up with the middle of the waistband. Take the right side of the underwear and fold it over the left side.

4. Pull the bottom of the underwear and roll it up toward the waistband while keeping it as tight as possible. 

5. Hold the rolled part of your underwear with one index finger tucked under each end of the waistband, and your thumbs on the other side of the fabric. Push the waistband up and towards you, while pushing the rest of the fabric down with your thumbs. 

Was this one too hard? No, you got it! Don’t give up! Actually, maybe just stick to the big square.

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of how to fold Undies properly, might we suggest picking up some new ones? Your underwear drawer can only be as fresh as your Undies, so spruce it up with a new pair or even one of our Undie Packs. Your new life of tidiness awaits!

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